The Process of Creating an Engaging 2D Explainer Video in 2024

The Process of Creating an Engaging 2D Explainer Video in 2024

In today’s digital age, where attention spans are rapidly decreasing, and visual content is taking center stage, 2D explainer videos have become a popular tool for businesses to communicate their message effectively. These captivating videos can simplify complex ideas and concepts, making them easy to understand and retain. If you’re considering creating a 2D explainer video for your business, this article will guide you through the process, giving you insights into how to create an engaging and effective video that resonates with your audience.

How to Create an Engaging 2D Explainer Video

1. Planning and Conceptualization:

Before diving into the actual production of your 2D animation explainer video, it is crucial to lay a strong foundation by carefully planning and conceptualizing your ideas. Start by identifying the key message or objective of your video. What do you want your audience to take away from it? Is it to explain a product or service? Educate on a particular topic? Or simply entertain? Next, develop a script that outlines the flow of the video. Keep in mind that simplicity is key when crafting your script. Use clear and accessible language, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may alienate your audience.

2. Storyboarding:

Once the script is finalized, it’s time to visualize how your 2D explainer video will unfold through storyboarding. Storyboarding involves creating a sequence of illustrations or sketches that represent each scene in your video, along with corresponding dialogues or actions. While storyboarding doesn’t require exceptional drawing skills, it should provide a clear visualization of each scene’s composition and movement within the frame. Consider including annotations or descriptions for better clarity.

3. Designing visuals:

The visual style of your 2D explainer video is crucial in capturing the attention of viewers. It impacts how your brand and message are perceived by the audience. When designing visuals, think about incorporating colors/fonts that align with your brand identity and use visual elements that enhance the overall storytelling experience. Additionally, consider incorporating simple animation techniques, such as motion graphics or character animations, to bring your visuals to life. These elements can make the video more engaging and enjoyable to watch.

4. Voiceover and Sound Design:

One of the most critical elements in an engaging 2D explainer video is the voiceover. Select a professional voice artist whose tone matches your brand personality and is easily understandable. The voiceover should speak at a comfortable pace, allowing viewers to absorb and process the information provided. Along with the voiceover, sound design plays a vital role in enhancing the overall viewing experience. Incorporate suitable background music that complements the mood and message of your video. Ensure that it doesn’t overpower or distract from the main content.

5. Animation and Production:

Once you have all the necessary elements in place, it’s time to bring your 2D explainer video to life through animation and production. If you have internal animation capabilities, that would be great! If not, consider outsourcing this part of the process to an experienced animation studio or professional animator who can expertly craft your vision into reality. During this stage, ensure smooth transitions between scenes, clear visual cues that guide viewers’ attention, and cohesive animation styles throughout the entire video.

6. Reviewing and Revising:

After completing the initial production of your 2D explainer video, seek feedback from peers or team members outside of production for fresh perspectives. Ask for their thoughts on clarity, pacing, visual appeal, and overall impact. Based on the feedback received, make necessary revisions while staying true to your objective. Keep polishing until you feel confident that every element contributes to an engaging viewer experience.


Creating an engaging 2D explainer video requires careful planning, thoughtful storytelling, visually appealing design choices, and outstanding voiceover work with matching sound design elements – while offering simplicity and clarity throughout. When done right, a well-crafted explainer video can captivate your audience, enhance brand awareness, and ultimately drive better business results. So, embrace the power of visual communication and embark on the journey of creating an impactful 2D explainer video today.

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