How to Get a Netflix Tagger Job: Salary, Requirements, and More

How to Get a Netflix Tagger Job: Salary, Requirements, and More

Netflix has become a household name in streaming entertainment, but did you know that behind the scenes, some people help categorize and tag content? These Netflix taggers play a vital role in ensuring viewers find exactly what they’re looking for. If you’re passionate about film and TV, this might be the dream job you’ve been searching for. Here’s how you can get started.

What is a Netflix Tagger?

Netflix taggers, also known as metadata analysts, are responsible for watching Netflix content and assigning tags to it. These tags help the platform’s algorithm suggest content to users based on their viewing habits. It’s a role that combines the love of entertainment with analytical thinking.

Qualifications You Will Need

Becoming a Netflix tagger requires a specific skill set and background. Here’s a closer look at what you’ll need:

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: While a specific degree isn’t always required, a background in film studies, media, communications, or a related field can be a significant advantage.
  • Certifications: Courses in data analysis, content management, or digital media can also strengthen your application.


  • Film or TV Production: Experience working in film or TV, whether in production, direction, or editing, is highly valued.
  • Content Writing or Journalism: Previous work as a content writer, journalist, or critic can be beneficial, especially if you have experience analyzing and categorizing media.
  • Metadata Management: If you’ve worked in a role where you managed or tagged content in a digital library or streaming platform, this experience is directly relevant.

Key Skills:

  • Strong Analytical Skills: You should be able to analyze content and understand how different elements of a show or movie (like genre, tone, or themes) resonate with different audiences.
  • Attention to Detail: You’ll need to be meticulous, as the accuracy of your tags is crucial for the platform’s recommendation system.
  • Passion for Entertainment: A deep love for movies, TV shows, and documentaries is essential.
  • Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with metadata concepts and how streaming platforms work will be beneficial.

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How to Apply for a Netflix Tagger Job

Getting a job as a Netflix tagger is highly competitive, but here’s a step-by-step guide to increase your chances:

  1. Create a Strong Resume: Highlight your relevant experience in film, TV, content analysis, or metadata management. Be sure to showcase your analytical skills and attention to detail.
  2. Craft a Compelling Cover Letter: Explain why you’re passionate about content tagging and how your background makes you a perfect fit for the role. Emphasize your experience in analyzing and categorizing media content.
  3. Stay Updated on Job Postings: Netflix doesn’t always have openings for taggers, so it’s crucial to monitor their job board regularly. Set up alerts on job platforms like LinkedIn or Indeed to be notified as soon as positions become available.
  4. Network with Industry Professionals: Connect with people in the entertainment industry, especially those who work at Netflix. Networking can provide valuable insights and potentially lead to referrals. Consider joining industry groups on platforms like LinkedIn or attending relevant industry events.
  5. Prepare for the Interview: If you’re selected for an interview, be ready to discuss how you would tag certain content, your understanding of Netflix’s algorithm, and how you stay current with entertainment trends. Brush up on your knowledge of Netflix’s content library and the specific tagging process.
  6. Practice Tagging: Even before you land the job, practice by watching Netflix content and assigning your own tags. This will sharpen your skills and prepare you for potential assessments during the interview process.

What to Expect

As a Netflix tagger, you’ll spend your days watching and analyzing content. This might sound like a dream job, but it’s also demanding. You’ll need to be precise in your tagging and stay objective, even if you don’t personally enjoy the content.

You’ll work closely with Netflix’s content recommendation team, helping them refine the algorithm that millions of users rely on daily. Your work will directly impact the user experience by ensuring that the right content is recommended to the right audience.

Stay Updated: Keep aware of new shows, movies, and industry trends. The more you know, the better you’ll be at tagging content accurately.

Enhance Your Knowledge: Consider taking online courses in data analysis or media management to strengthen your skills. Platforms like Coursera or Udemy offer relevant courses that can enhance your qualifications.

Be Patient: The hiring process can be long, and the competition is fierce. Persistence is key.

Final Thoughts

Becoming a Netflix tagger is a unique opportunity to merge your love for entertainment with a technical and analytical role. While it’s competitive, with the right qualifications and a strategic approach, you can land this dream job.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much do Netflix taggers make?

Netflix taggers can earn between $50,000 and $100,000 annually, depending on experience and location. You can check Netflix’s careers page for more details.

How many hours do Netflix taggers work?

Netflix taggers typically work a standard 40-hour week, though hours can vary based on project demands.

Can I apply for a Netflix tagger job remotely?

Yes, many Netflix taggers work remotely, but this can depend on the specific job requirements and your location. Be sure to check the job description on Netflix’s careers page for more information.

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